I'm still here...sorta.

I'm still here...sorta.

I sincerely apologize for the inconsistent lack of posts this month although my absence is largely in part due to settling back into college life again and working extra hours at my dead-end job. Talk about hectic! The first couple of weeks have gone by exceedingly fast and now that my schedule is more-or-less settled, I can hopefully devote more time to updating this blog. On a somewhat related note, in one of my classes we are going to be reading both Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse. Score! 

I had trouble sleeping last night and actually did manage to whip up a review on Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (posted below) and curious as to what others have to say about this polarizing novel. Or if you have not read it and just want to leave a comment, that's cool too.

Here are a few novels that I intend on reviewing soon:

Have a great weekend, everyone!

- The Problem
The problem with blogs is that you feel like you've got to keep them updated somewhat regularly?at least that's how I feel. I've always tried to keep a flexibly disciplined schedule when it comes to posting on my blog: I aim for two times...

- Mrs. Dalloway By Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, published in 1925, was a bestseller both in Britain and the United States despite its departure from typical novelistic style. Mrs. Dalloway and Woolf's subsequent book, To the Lighthouse, have generated the most...

- February In Review: Or How I Froze My Ass, Returned To Blogging And Read A Ton Of Poetry...
A frozen Lake Ontario.February was bloody cold. Canadian winters are not for the faint of heart and if you don't take the necessary precautions, frostbite is the least of your worries. One of the biggest news stories in Toronto this month involved...

- Bout Of Books Read-a-thon!
As if I didn't have enough on my plate right now...  Hosted by Amanda from On a Book Bender, I came across this challenge through happenstance and thought to myself, what the hell -- this is far too alluring to avoid participating. Besides,...

- Curse You Procrastination!
It is one of my great sins; causing nothing but guilt and anxiety. Ok, time to take more initiative and starting getting things done. Well, it is getting late now -- so tomorrow it is then! Yes, I'm incredibly lazy when it comes to writing reviews....

