Curse you procrastination!

Curse you procrastination!

It is one of my great sins; causing nothing but guilt and anxiety. Ok, time to take more initiative and starting getting things done. Well, it is getting late now -- so tomorrow it is then!

Yes, I'm incredibly lazy when it comes to writing reviews. I also blame my strenuous perfunctory job for interfering with my reading and writing schedule. After getting home from an exhausting day, I'm far too mentally drained to do much of anything other than pass out. Nonetheless, I do apologize for those very select few who might be wondering when the hell I am going to post anything new. Unfortunately, I have to work this whole weekend but I will try my best to get a new review up by Sunday evening. Here is sneak-peak at some upcoming reviews:

Mind = Blown.


You've redeemed yourself Joyce, for now.

- A Few More Recent Things
Okay, a few more recent things: Ian Bogost and I have been developing a very exciting new series of books and essays called Object Lessons. Ian made a lovely teaser poster for the series. The full site with information for submitting...

- April In Review (or How I Od'ed On Romantic Lit And Went On Hiatus)
Bender rules.For how much longer is anyone's guess. In retrospect, trying to read The Prelude by William Wordsworth in a single sitting may not have been the wisest decision on my part. I clearly got overzealous in my determination to do a crash-course...

- I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...
For the summer at least--we'll see how things go in the next little while. I apologize to those select few who actually followed my blog in the past since I abandoned it abruptly more than a year ago without any explanation. Long story short, my life...

- I'm Still Here...sorta.
I sincerely apologize for the inconsistent lack of posts this month although my absence is largely in part due to settling back into college life again and working extra hours at my dead-end job. Talk about hectic! The first couple of weeks have gone...

- Summer Is Over...
It sure went by super fast, huh? Much of my time was spent working and reading so it wasn't too miserable. On a positive note, I'm actually proud of myself for managing to read 50 books this summer as part of my Literature Frenzy Challenge, phew!...

