Waiting for a storm
Right now we're just waiting for a storm, to see what it will do. It's eerie. There's the god's eye view provided by satellites, but this form of 'knowledge' is hardly commensurate with life on the ground.
The planes overhead seem louder than normal, today; maybe one of them is a NOAA Hurricane Hunter.
I can't decide if that name?Hurricane Hunter?is comical or heroic, an absurd misnomer or an admirable attempt at something more primitive within our techno-media maelstrom.
Beyond the planes and helicopters chopping above, there's a different kind of buzz outside: the buzz of people stocking up at our neighborhood market, and other people frantically loading their cars in order to evacuate. Some cars drive down our skinny street startlingly fast?panic in action. Other people gab and laugh and stroll down the street with cases of Abita and Miller High Life on their shoulders. We've got our bags packed and the house all tied down?but we're not leaving, at least not yet.
This morning it was dead-still, and the sky was a brilliant azure ?I've never quite appreciated the phrase "calm before the storm" until today. Now, at 3:30, the light in the sky is diffuse in a weird way. There isn't exactly a cloud layer yet, but it's as if a sheet of fine linen has been pulled over us. The wind is starting to gust, and I can hear it sporadically whistling through the 100-year-old chimney a few feet away from me as I write this.
Morning Walk Photo Essay Ii
It was about a year ago that I posted my first morning walk photo essay; I figured today that it was time to post a second one. (I find myself telling students that things become so much more interesting when you do them multiple times?like reading,...
Getting Back To Things
We made it home after a long drive back, full of anticipation and uncertainty, wondering how our home had weathered the storm and hoping everything was (at least mostly) all right. The last hour of the drive was stunningly beautiful, cruising over...
Status Unknown: A Local Airplane Mystery
Admirable researchers currently are working to determine the fate of Amelia Earhart's final flight. Meanwhile, I've got a local airplane mystery of my own to ponder. This morning another business jet roared overhead, banking just over the...
Abandoned Resort, Active Airfield
Back when I was in college, when I'd be home for winter break I would work at the nearby ski resort as a lift operator. It was a relatively easy way to make a few hundred bucks in between semesters, money to buy books with when I returned to...
Morning Walk Photo Essay
Most mornings these days, I go for a walk to the Mississippi River with my small roommate, Julien. This morning I decided to record my walk by taking some photos that show the things we encountered along the way. Julien doesn't walk yet, so I push...