It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading?

Much thanks to Book Journey for hosting this weekly meme, which provides the opportunity to plan out a tentative reading schedule for the upcoming week and to visit other book bloggers to see what they have lined up as well. 

This last week has been somewhat unproductive on the reading front because of work and other obligations. Nonetheless, I managed to finish Graham Greene's Brighton Rock and The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, bringing my grand total to 50 books read this summer. I am incredibly behind on my reviews and have been rather discouraged in my inadequate ability to offer any sort of insightful literary criticism. I don't intend on being the next Cleanth Brooks and nor am I trying to please anybody -- indeed,  it is just difficult to shake the feeling of dissatisfaction with my writing. On a certain level, I do feel slightly burnt out from my intense reading experience this summer and also seem to have temporarily lost the ability to write anything of substantial value. Thus, this week I am going to take a slight breather to relax my mind a little but so that I can get over this writing dry spell. Instead of overburdening myself by reading multiple books at once, I will just focus on one book this week:

Incredibly dense and not nearly as inviting as To the Lighthouse or Mrs. Dalloway but Woolf's prose is still mesmerizing and keeping me interested to continue reading. 

What is everyone else planning to read this week?

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