More Faces & Figures, This Time on Autoracks

More Faces & Figures, This Time on Autoracks

This morning I saw more faces and figures on "autoracks" as they passed?a great rat, a snowman, a mystery visage, and some sort of hooded ninja:

As I watched these faces roll by I was reminded of when I lived in Montana and saw similarly striking moving-canvases. My friend Greg Keeler and I would fish these weird parts of the Gallatin River, places where, to get to, you'd have to walk along the tracks?sometimes right between a vertical cliff on one side and the swirling river below on the other, and if a train came you had to sprint to where the cliff leveled off or the riprap became generous enough to climb down onto. It could be quite terrifying when the trains came bearing down suddenly from around a bend. Anyway, sometimes the trains would be carrying green-coated bodies of Boeing 737 airliners, like large alien phalli; other times, there would be long lines of boxcars palimpsestically spray-painted over with a thousand codes, signs, warnings, and other idioms known only to the secret painters. I'm thinking of exploring such scenes in a future course called something like "everyday aesthetics."

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In the canoe last summer, on the big lake Rumor has it that there were four water rescues out in Lake Michigan last week. At least, four near where I am, on the Leelanau peninsula. The big lake is big, and can go from glassy calm to six-foot swells in...

- Dark River Balloon
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- Morning Walk Photo Essay Ii
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- Faces Of The Ordinary
Two faces seen on my walk this morning: "The ordinary is a moving target. Not first something to make sense of, but a set of sensations that incite." ?Kathleen Stewart, Ordinary Affects"But always the face shows through these forms." ?Emmanuel Levinas,...

- Morning Walk Photo Essay
Most mornings these days, I go for a walk to the Mississippi River with my small roommate, Julien. This morning I decided to record my walk by taking some photos that show the things we encountered along the way. Julien doesn't walk yet, so I push...

