Finishing Deconstructing Brad Pitt

Finishing Deconstructing Brad Pitt

I am currently working (hustling might be a more accurate term) to assemble the final manuscript for this book, a collection of essays about Brad Pitt. 

The book started out as a joke more than ten years ago in Montana, existed as a sort of academic shaggy dog story during the time I was a PhD student at UC Davis, and then became a real project after I moved to New Orleans. And now it's almost complete. 

The book includes some excellent essays on the expected and unexpected facets of Pitt, both as an actor and as a celebrity. It's been a bewildering process, though, because the book can't possibly encompass?not to mention keep up with?the roles, appearances, and disseminations of Brad Pitt. But that's part of the point...

If everything goes smoothly from here on out, and with a little luck, it will be in airport bookstores a year from now.

- Waiting For Books In Transit
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- Done With Deconstructing Brad Pitt
evolution of the cover Last weekend I delivered the final manuscript of Deconstructing Brad Pitt. It will be on bookshelves this coming September. This book was incredibly stressful to put together, but highly rewarding in the end. It was,...

- Deconstructing Brad Pitt Cover Concepts
Look at these lovely cover concepts for the Brad Pitt book! These concepts are by the brilliant Nancy Bernardo, who also designed the award winning cover of the now rare Checking In / Checking Out. My partner remarked on the 'architectural'...

- Brad Pitt At The Airport
So Brad Pitt didn't win an Oscar. It's really not that surprising, after all. As my friend Robert Bennett has speculated, Pitt is considered at turns too popular or too artsy to be viable Oscar material. Which is really a shame, because he should...

- It's In The Air
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