Book Work
I have not been posting to my blog as regularly these days, as I'm busy completing my book
The Textual Life of Airports.
My book explores how airports appear in literature and culture, with an eye toward the interpretive demands made on passengers, laborers, and other subjects. For instance, consider this architectural sketch for the new Terminal B at the Sacramento airport:

What myriad stories, normative aesthetics, and commonplace expectations shape this idealized baggage claim area?
My book is under contract with Continuum, and is on schedule to be published in November 2011. I look forward to posting on my blog more regularly as soon as the book is done...
The Problem
The problem with blogs is that you feel like you've got to keep them updated somewhat regularly?at least that's how I feel. I've always tried to keep a flexibly disciplined schedule when it comes to posting on my blog: I aim for two times...
Grab Bag
Today Continuum featured my book on their Literary Studies blog, and over on his site Roy Christopher wrote an engaging distillation of "terminal philosophy," which includes a discussion of my book. Then there's this: It may not look like anything...
T-rex In The Baggage Claim; Flies On Your Body
My good friend Greg Keeler just sent me some pictures that he took in the Bozeman airport, around the baggage claim. This one made me pause: What is that T-Rex doing in the baggage claim? The easy answer: Jack Horner is a local. But on another level,...
Boy Detectives
Over the past month I have been reworking my current book project, a literary-critical study of airports. In particular, I have been drawing on some very helpful feedback from friends and mentors. So, in the midst of heavy duty rewriting and revision,...
Writing In Michigan
I am going to be in northern Michigan this summer, living in a "writing cabin" of sorts. I am working to finish a draft of my book manuscript, a revised and expanded version of my dissertation, which was entitled "Airport Reading."* I'm thinking...