And the Classics Spin #5 Winner is...

And the Classics Spin #5 Winner is...

Yay? I can't say that my enthusiasm for Tess of the D'Urbervilles is particular high since I tend to be apprehensive about 19th century novels but on a more positive note, at least Middlemarch was avoided this round. Nonetheless, this also seems like the perfect opportunity to finally read something by Thomas Hardy, one of those highly praised Victorian realist authors with a reputation for writing some very grim and depressing stories. Sounds right up my alley!

For those who have read this novel, what are your thoughts on it? I would appreciate any feedback and it would be helpful to know what to expect with this one.

- Boy Detectives
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- The Victorian Society In Jude The Obscure
The Victorian Society in Jude The Obscure Thomas Hardy is generally regarded as a realistic writer in the Victorian Age In Jude the Obscure, Thomas Hardy presents the characters Jude Fawley and Sue Bridehead, who violate the conventions of the repressive...

- Deal Me In Challenge: A&p By John Updike
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- Top Ten Most Intimidating Books
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- Summer Is Over...
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